Monday, October 8, 2012

Characteristics of Arcturian Souls

1 comment:

  1. I am, in every sense, an Arcturian soul. I'm 26, female, a pisces, 5'1, 95 lbs, blonde hair, huge green eyes, telepathically inclined, AD/HD positive, intelligent, loving, and almost excrutiatingly full of emotion. Everything is emotion and love. I spend most of my days basing my life on the amount of love I have for people and the things I'm doing. I do not feel satisfied or justified in working for material aspects of living unless it can bring someone I know some joy. I sleep very little (when I do I crash for about 12 hours and then I'm good for days). I love animals very much because of their ability to love unconditionally, be simple yet intelligent, loyalty, and ability to forgive. I know I have a purpose here on earth yet I've only brushed with it a couple of times (from a feeling of coming close to it being realized) yet I still don't know exactly what it is. Strangers constantly tell me their life stories and feel the need to touch me in public (even when I'm not in the way and they would need to move me). It is my energy vibration level. People will either love me greatly or hate me aimlessly. My energy either comforts or completely subconsciously confuses people resulting in the above mentioned. I was extremely bullied in my small town high school. I've always been "weird" or "different". I have created a non profit organization for bullied children because our children ARE our only hope for the world to be a better place. We must always love one another. We focus too much on our differences and not on our similarities. We may not be able to change our differences but we can cultivate love through our similarities. Media has created a false sense of reality by forcing us to realize our differences above that which connects us all. Take a moment each day and find 10 things you are thankful for and the negative things that have happened during the day wiill only seem 1/3 as bad as they did before making your mental list. Peace, love, and hope. -Kylie
