Yet another nightmare within 3 days. This time I was confronted by a crazy woman,foaming at the mouth and committing bizarre crimes that were not in her nature. Occassionally she would become lucid and beg for my help. Feeling sorry for her,I began to walk with her to help her maintain some type of control. Just then, a police officer pulled out his gun and demanded that we put our hands in the air. The rabid woman started to walk towards the officer as he shouted for her to stop and lay on the ground. I tried to warn the officer that she was sick and possibly dangerous to him if he got too close, but he was too focused on what she was doing to listen to me. In a panic I decided to help the officer restrain the woman, but everytime we would get one handcuff on her wrist,it would simply fall off. During the struggle, I stared at the womans face and she smiled at me with the most evil grin......that's when I asked're possessed? Her eye's turned black and she became stronger than ever,instinctively I began reciting the Lords Prayer. Over and over again,till I woke up.
Dream meaning: To dream that someone or something is evil suggests that there is a dark and disguised part of yourself. This aspect could be desiring release or recognition. On the other end, evil can indicate the hostile and powerful feelings that you hold.